Graphic Novels Spotlight

Graphic Novels Spotlight

Did you know we have a great graphic novel section at the library? Located on top of our vertical files, right next to our french language collection! Being able to see words and images on the page at the same time allows graphic novels to communicate emotions to readers that words alone might not.

March 8th is International Women’s Day

March 8th is International Women’s Day

March 8th is International Women’s Day across the globe! It is to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of all women, past, present, & future. It is also used as a day to signify a call to action for accelerating women’s equality in society. The theme for this year is Each for Equal, […]

Black History Month at Xwi7xwa Library

Black History Month at Xwi7xwa Library

February is Black History Month in Canada, the US, the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands. During this month, we recognize the legacy, achievements, and struggles that Black People have faced and accomplished. The bird in the above picture is the Sankofa bird, with it’s feet forward, head turned backward, it reflects on the past to […]

Valentine’s Day at Xwi7xwa

Valentine’s Day at Xwi7xwa

Happy Valentine’s Day from your librarians at Xwi7xwa! We have rounded up some fun reads surrounding topics of love, care, and romance. Have you checked our our fiction section or poetry section yet? We have lots of choices for you when you want to take a step back from academic texts. Come in to the […]

Spotlight: Land Management and Natural Resources

Spotlight: Land Management and Natural Resources

Many students this term are writing papers on natural resources and natural resource development in BC and Western Canada. With reference questions coming in about natural resources like oil, water, and forests or about Indigenous rights to natural resources, we’ve curated some materials below to help answer your questions and to add some materials to […]

Holiday Reads!

Holiday Reads!

Looking for some inspiration for reading as go off to break until January 6th? We have rounded up some novels, books of poetry, and other inspiring resources you can pick up before you head off campus for the next few weeks. Full-Metal Indigiqueer: Poems by Joshua Whitehead focuses on Zoa, a Two Spirit/ Indigiqueer Trickster […]

End of Term Spotlight

End of Term Spotlight

The end of term is here! As you are finishing up term papers, getting ready for presentations, and studying for final exams, the librarians have rounded up some things to push your assignments to the finish line. If you need help finding a copy of one of these resources, or need help finding other resources, […]

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

On November 11th, 1918 at 11 in the morning, the end of the First World War was marked. This is why in Canada and in other countries, there is a moment of silence–to thank the men & women who fought. Remembrance Day in Canada spotlights Canada’s role during the First World War (1914-1918), the Second […]

A Xwi7xwa Halloween

A Xwi7xwa Halloween

Looking for some creepy tales and mysteries of things that go bump in the night to celebrate this Halloween time of year? We’ve rounded up some of our favorites here from our collection to help make your Halloween spooktacular! What We Do in the Shadows written and directed by Jemaine Cement & Taika Waititi is […]

Autumn at Xwi7xwa

Autumn at Xwi7xwa

As the days fill with crisp air and gorgeous foliage, the longer nights are spent with good books–something we love to do here at the library. Whether you’re spending your fall cozied up on the couch with books or outside in nature, we’ve highlighted some great books on food, harvest and land for you to […]