Indigenous Archival Resources Awareness Day
Indigenous Archival Resources Awareness Day When: Tuesday, January 21, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Where: Rare Books and Special Collections, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Join a team of librarians, archivists, faculty, and outreach colleagues for a session to explore resources available for the research and teaching of Indigenous studies and history at UBC. Participants will learn […]
X̱wi7x̱wa Library is Hiring!
Xwi7xwa is hiring two librarians! The University of British Columbia Library is one of the largest academic libraries in Canada providing access to a collection of over 7M items. UBC Library has 14 branches and divisions on two campuses (Vancouver and Kelowna), including one off-site hospital library and the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre – […]
Indigenous Archival Resources Awareness Day
Indigenous Archival Resources Awareness Day When: Friday, September 20, 1:00-3:30 Where: Rare Books and Special Collections, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Join a team of librarians, archivists, faculty and outreach colleagues for a session that looks at resources available for the research and teaching of Indigenous studies and history at UBC. We will look […]
Pride at X̱wi7x̱wa Library
Happy Pride UBC! This year X̱wi7x̱wa Library celebrates pride at your local UBC events, with our Spotlight Series, and featuring our new Two-Spirit research guide! Visit us on September 6th, 2019 at the Fairview Commons (outside the Earth Sciences Building) and explore queer titles in our collection. Queer & 2S Books at Xwi7xwa Library Two-Spirit […]
Winter 2019-2020 Course List
The list of courses with Indigenous content is now available! According to the 2019 University of British Columbia Course Calendar and departmental course descriptions, there are 114 courses, from 33 different departments, that have a significant amount of Indigenous content being offered for the Summer 2019 session. To download the course list click here. Xwi7xwa […]
MMIWG Selected Titles
MMIWG Selected Titles Stolen Sisters: the story of two missing girls, their families, and how Canada has failed Indigenous Women by Emmannuelle Walter In 2014, the nation was rocked by the brutal violence against young Aboriginal women Loretta Saunders, Tina Fontaine and Rinelle Harper. But tragically, they were not the only Aboriginal women to suffer that […]
X̱wi7x̱wa Video Playlist
Did you know that you can watch X̱wi7x̱wa’s playlist of videos online? UBC Library uses a platform called McIntyre Media to stream videos we’ve subscribed to. Search the phrase “Mcintyre media” in simple search and filter the results to Online OR click this link. Select any of the titles on the list to see their […]
Take a Break!
It’s a busy time of year and it’s important to give your brain a break. Although we have many resources to help you study and support your final papers, we also have titles that can help you unwind. Beading, cooking and recipes, coloring, leisure reading, comedy, and more! Here are few suggestions or ask […]
UBC Courses with Indigenous Content Winter 2018
According to the 2018-2019 University of British Columbia Course Calendar and departmental course descriptions, there are 118 courses, from 35 different departments, that have a significant amount of Indigenous content being offered for the Winter 2018-2019 session. You can download the course list here: UBC winter courses with Indigenous content 2018
Xwi7xwa Spotlight Series
Xwi7xwa Library is excited to announce our new Spotlight Series featuring select titles from our collection. New Materials at Xwi7xwa Every book in the Spotlight Series is new to our Library! Although you can find new books in the UBC catalogue, you won’t see a call number for them. For the time being new […]