Find Streaming Video at Xwi7xwa

Looking for streaming video at Xwi7xwa Library? We’ve got a couple of tips to search the library catalogue to find what you’re looking for:

First you’ll want to login to the library website using your CWL:

  • To look for a particular title, at the basic search, enter a keyword (use AND, OR, NOT or “a phrase”) and include the following in your search string: video and online and xwi7xwa.
    Example: To find The Pass System, enter: “pass system” video and online and xwi7xwa
    search window for UBC library catalogue


  • To browse what’s available, at the basic search, enter the following: video and online and xwi7xwa. You can then filter your results by selecting “video recording” under the content type on the left hand side of the screen.
    search window for UBC Library catalogue


Once you’ve picked a title, you can then select the orange online access button on the right to view your item.