Looking for streaming video at Xwi7xwa Library? We’ve got a couple of tips to search the library catalogue to find what you’re looking for:
First you’ll want to login to the library website using your CWL: https://login.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/login
- To look for a particular title, at the basic search, enter a keyword (use AND, OR, NOT or “a phrase”) and include the following in your search string: video and online and xwi7xwa.
Example: To find The Pass System, enter: “pass system” video and online and xwi7xwa
- To browse what’s available, at the basic search, enter the following: video and online and xwi7xwa. You can then filter your results by selecting “video recording” under the content type on the left hand side of the screen.
Once you’ve picked a title, you can then select the orange online access button on the right to view your item.