Research Guides at Xwi7xwa Library
Xwi7xwa Library has a wide range of carefully curated library research guides (also known as libguides), covering everything from Aboriginal Filmmakers to Indigenous Education K-12. These guides are particularly helpful places to start when looking for information about a specific disciple or subject area. Visit the portal to see all Xwi7xwa Library authored libguides.
Lest we forget
You probably know that November 11th is Remembrance Day. Xwi7xwa Library will be closed on Monday November 13th to commemorate this and to honour members of the armed forces who died in the line of duty. November 8th is not a federal holiday and but the date is still important. This is Aboriginal Veterans Day, […]
Our loan periods have changed
We’re happy to announce that, starting this September, many of our loan periods have changed. Graduate loans now span an eight week period on standard items, while faculty borrowing from Xwi7xwa will be able to check out standard materials for the entire winter term through to April.