Did you know that you can watch X̱wi7x̱wa’s playlist of videos online?
UBC Library uses a platform called McIntyre Media to stream videos we’ve subscribed to.
- Search the phrase “Mcintyre media” in simple search and filter the results to Online OR click this link.
- Select any of the titles on the list to see their record.
- Under Actions on the right hand side click Online to gain access to 165 titles
Not sure what to watch? Check out these selected titles!
- Indigo by Amanda Strong
Indigo tells the story of a woman who confronts her internal war with the help of grandmother spider and faces the many layers of herself and life, to revitalize her spirit. Indigo examines the implications of the decline of the imagination concurrent with the rise of rationality and the cyclical war these two archetypes engage in.
2. Butterfly Monument by Jules Koostachin and Rick Miller
Butterfly Monument documents the creation a public memorial dedicated to the late Shannen Koostachin, a young Cree education advocate from Attawapiskat First Nation, Moskekowok territory. Through personal stories shared by Shannen’s immediate family we learn about who Shannen was and what motivated her passionate crusade for equitable access to education for Indigenous children and youth.
3. Crossed Mask by Christiana Latham
This work is based on questions about nicknames, what they were and why they were. It is an analysis of the labels and nicknames used within and in relation to my family.
4. He Who Dreams by Dana Claxton
A supernatural spiritual art film about a man who is in the dreamworld and the real world. The dreamworld and real worlds can be very similar.
5. The Oldest Tree in the World by Cara Mumford and Leanne Simpson
The Oldest Tree in the World is a love song to the oldest sugar maple in the region, living just outside of Peterborough in Mark S. Burnham Provincial Park. This grandmother tree, one of our oldest living relations, has witnessed over 500 years of history.
6. Stolen by Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs and Prospector Films
14 year old Shayna runs away from her group-home and into the truck of a dangerous man. As a result, she becomes one of Canada’s 1200+ Missing and Murdered Indigenous women.
Xwi7xwa would like to thank Elena Pederson, Publications & Web Services Assistant, from UBC Education Library for her work on designing our digital signage.