Indigenous Focused Work-Learn & Student Positions

Work Learn & Student Positions at UBC

There are many places you can work on campus that has an Indigenous lens or focus on their work. Even though we are not currently on campus because of COVID-19, that doesn’t mean there are not opportunities for you to work remotely! This page is for work-learn and other student job opportunities at UBC-Vancouver campus. We will be updating this page periodically, and especially towards the beginning and end of terms as hiring begins and ends.

Student jobs are available to find and apply the CareersOnline website through the Career & Experience section of the Student Services website. We also receive notifications from specific organizations, departments, and professors about job opportunities for students.

Places to Look:

Some places on campus to look specifically for student opportunities with an Indigenous focus are listed below:

If you are an employer with an opportunity you would like us to promote, please contact us directly.